Friday, January 20, 2012

Mrs. Tuttle's Art Class

Mrs. Tuttle’s Art Class by Tedi Wixom JAN 19, 2012

Mrs. Tuttle was a Christian
I’d say she was a Saint
She was my fine art teacher
She was not the type to faint.

She was my good example in class
Wherever she went, I wanted to be
She’d look at me when she talked
And kindly put an arm around me.

She helped dispel the woes of youth
And kept students with poor grades in school
She was caring, fun, and very smart
‘Cause she followed the Golden Rule.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Just doing stuff and thinking ...

I just started taking a class at BYU a couple of weeks ago.
John Bytheway is my teacher at the Salt Lake Center downtown.
He is an amazing teacher, and I've learned so many different aspects
    of viewing the teachings from our text.
It is all very interesting and I'm learning so much.
It is the second half of the Book of Mormon studies.
Go Alma the Younger: you are my hero!!

I simply don't have enough hours in one day to read everything I want to read.
I've been reading about Troy and Greeks and Romans: all of whom I know very little about.
I am working on being a better listener, because listening shows respect.
I'm learning to look people in the eyes when I talk to them because it shows you care.
It's amazing how many people don't look at your face when you talk.
I am so grateful for a new year.

My son Jason is an awesome actor and
I can hardly wait for the movie he is in to be on the big screen.
It is called Chick Magnets.

My youngest daughter, Ali, just turned 10 on Saturday.
She loves Karate and she loves to be crazy.
She wants to be a movie star someday.
She has an awesome singing voice.

So, we go to celebrate Ali's birthday by going to Village Inn for breakfast
And they give only Ali a kid's meal menu.
McKenzie was disappointed. She is in the sixth grade still
And she wanted to order the tiny little chocolate chip pancakes!!
So I explained to the waitress that McKenzie is large for her age.
She then brought a child's menu. That made her happy.

McKenzie is my tallest child. I'm sure she'll be six foot tall someday.
She doesn't even like basketball; she loves to sing, knit, and read.

I submitted 5 children's books for publication last fall and one novel
I have received three rejections so far. Yea. Haven't found the right one yet.
I submitted my book Danny is Different to a publisher in London yesterday.
It is a story about a snake, born with legs. He certainly is different I'd say.
It is an Olympic story, so I thought maybe it would be good timing!
Danny is an awesome soccer player and he has to sneak over to the
     other side of town to play soccer with the cats and dogs.
He goes to the world soccer bowl and brings home the trophy. 
My son Jason is the inspiration for writing this little children's illustrated story.

I've got to get something published soon. It is annoying to have 30 books written
     and none published!!
I'm working on my King Tut Musical as a novel. I've been working on that
     over 2 years. Maybe 8 more months on that.
I want to get my Mother's second book out too. Her life was so awesome.
Anyone who has any thoughts on her life or how she inspired you, or anything
Could you let me know on FB or write me or call me
     and maybe that can be in the appendix. She was an awesome artist and teacher.
She has been dead 10 years as to earth living and I still miss her inspiration.
I still hear her in my head saying, "Tedi, you can do whatever you put your mind to."

To all my awesome friends and family. I love you and appreciate you.
Right now I am painting my house and cleaning. It has been a lot of fun.
This is the beginning of a grand new year and I am doing as much as I can.
I'm trying to be more efficient in my living area.
I love my house; it is comfy and warm.
I love my family, even when they are often a pain in the rear end.
Kids, you've got to love them!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Beautiful Harmony

Beautiful Harmony by Tedi Tuttle Wixom WED Jan 11, 2012

I love to lift my voice in song
     It gives much balm unto my soul
     To sing each day is my ultimate goal
I could sing all day and all night long.
What joy it brings like a warming fire
     As I simply sing do-re-mi
     Better yet as voices blend in harmony
With my Salt Lake Symphonic Choir.

Let Earth Receive Her King

Let Earth Receive Her King by Tedi Wixom Jan. 13, 2012

The framers of the Constitution stand by
     Watchmen of America, their hands tied.
I wonder what they’d think today
     Of the words in their glory day thus penned.
Would they shake their heads in shame
     To witness their works torn asunder?

I pray a blessing on this planet
     In preparation for the reign of Christ
Dear Father swallow up all earthly curses.
     Send us faith in God, with hope in Christ,
And charity toward all men herein;
     May these attributes increase every day.

May a ripple of love emerge like an earthquake
     Rise and reverberate throughout this orb;
May this surge of hope and light go forth
     Through length and breadth of this entire Earth
And like a giant shockwave resonate
     ‘Til it reaches everyone in every clime!

Dear Father aid in healing our humble hearts;
     Break those with flint-like hearts and necks of steel
Replace them with forgiving souls who care;
     Gentle humanity ‘til ev’ry knee bend
And every tongue confess the truth they know
     Let the people of this Earth embrace their King!